New Series! “After the Ceremony”

Whether you’re getting married with a Short & Sweet Ceremony in my office, or I’m meeting you somewhere fancy to officiate the custom ceremony we created together, the journey only starts here!

I’ve created a series of posts called “After the Ceremony” to help you have solid tools to continually bring you closer in a short amount of time. I know we’re all busy, and with that busy life comes stress. I’ve got a lot of resources for you that will help release stress and stregthen your relationship for years to come.

These posts will offer you:

  • 30 second ways to have more love and togetherness
  • Conversation prompts to help you know each other more
  • Stress-relieving tools that work in 5 minutes or less
  • Techniques to have a productive conversation, even when someone is upset (especially when someone is upset!)

So, what could you do now?

    • Subscribe and receive each of these fantastic posts directly to your email inbox (use the form below!)
    • Follow me on Facebook

Our shared goal is for you to have a strong and fulfilling marriage. I hope these tips are helpful for you!

Love, Alice

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