Something to talk about
Sharing something new together increases bonding. For the next 30 seconds, take turns answering this question: Who do you admire most and why?
Sharing something new together increases bonding. For the next 30 seconds, take turns answering this question: Who do you admire most and why?
Surprise your partner with a gift. Big, or small, it doesn’t matter. It’s the gesture that means the most.
Brighten your partner’s day by taking 3 sticky notes and write the following: “I love your ________” and fill in the blank space with three things that you love about your partner. Then, stick each one in a different place where your partner will notice it and feel great.
So many times, we get caught up in our day to day “stuff”, and forget to really give attention to each other. Acknowledge each other now by looking into each other’s eyes for a full 30 seconds. Don’t try to send any messages or do anything more than that. If you want to laugh, laugh. If you want to smile, smile. Enjoy giving and receiving attention. The eyes are the windows to the soul.
Reestablish a loving bond when away from each other. Send a text at a random time during the day today. Say, “You’re awesome!” or, “I’m thinking of you,” or, “I love you.” It will brighten up BOTH of your days.
Feeling appreciated goes a long way in keeping people together. Think of something about your partner that you sincerely feel grateful for. Tell your partner what it is.
Open to more love
Love starts from within and affects all who you encounter. Try this for the next 30 seconds:
Put both hands on your chest.
Close your eyes.
Breathe slowly, feeling your heart energy warm your whole being and radiate outward.
Envision a big light shining out from your heart, filling your body and extending outward to the world.
Notice how you and your interactions feel today.
Sensual moments matter!
There’s something sensual about whispering in your partner’s ear. Kiss your partner’s ear and whisper, “I love you” into their ear. It only takes a moment, but the bonding you initiate will last much longer!
30 seconds of self-reflection goes a long way!
Access and express some of your accumulated wisdom. Surprise! You’re wise!
Write your answers to: 3 things I’ve learned about how I like to receive love.
Take turns answering this question: What helps you relax the most?
Learn something new about each other!