After the Ceremony: Tips to Keep Your Relationship Strong

Send a loving text

Reestablish a loving bond when away from each other. Send a text at a random time during the day today. Say, “You’re awesome!” or, “I’m thinking of you,” or, “I love you.” It will brighten up BOTH of your days.

After the Ceremony: tips to keep your relationship strong

Open to more love

Love starts from within and affects all who you encounter. Try this for the next 30 seconds:

Put both hands on your chest.

Close your eyes.

Breathe slowly, feeling your heart energy warm your whole being and radiate outward.

Envision a big light shining out from your heart, filling your body and extending outward to the world.

Notice how you and your interactions feel today.

After the Ceremony: Tips to keep your relationship strong

Sensual moments matter!

There’s something sensual about whispering in your partner’s ear. Kiss your partner’s ear and whisper, “I love you” into their ear. It only takes a moment, but the bonding you initiate will last much longer!

After the Ceremony – tips to keep your relationship strong

30 seconds of self-reflection goes a long way!

Access and express some of your accumulated wisdom. Surprise! You’re wise!

Write your answers to: 3 things I’ve learned about how I like to receive love.

After the Ceremony – tips for keepin’ relationships strong

Love Goals

Couples can get closer when they have goals for the relationship.

Separately, write three things you would like to improve in your relationship. Then, share and discuss steps to meet these goals. It will help you understand your partner’s needs, and allow you to share yours too. Make an effort to work towards them now that you know.

After the Ceremony – strong marriage tips!

Just for Today

Make sure to say, “I love you” to your partner today.

Try texting, whispering, leaving a love note, or something even more creative! Expressing love each day helps keep the love flowing because your partner will feel appreciated and loved.

New Series! “After the Ceremony”

Whether you’re getting married with a Short & Sweet Ceremony in my office, or I’m meeting you somewhere fancy to officiate the custom ceremony we created together, the journey only starts here!

I’ve created a series of posts called “After the Ceremony” to help you have solid tools to continually bring you closer in a short amount of time. I know we’re all busy, and with that busy life comes stress. I’ve got a lot of resources for you that will help release stress and stregthen your relationship for years to come.

These posts will offer you:

  • 30 second ways to have more love and togetherness
  • Conversation prompts to help you know each other more
  • Stress-relieving tools that work in 5 minutes or less
  • Techniques to have a productive conversation, even when someone is upset (especially when someone is upset!)

So, what could you do now?

    • Subscribe and receive each of these fantastic posts directly to your email inbox (use the form below!)
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Our shared goal is for you to have a strong and fulfilling marriage. I hope these tips are helpful for you!

Love, Alice